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Orca Eco-Friendly Fishnets Polyester Blanket

Regular price $110
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So, here's the thing. We accidentally stumbled upon the idea of using fishnets in clothing, and let me tell you, we were just as surprised as you are right now. I mean, fishnets have been used in lingerie and swimwear for years, but we never thought to use them in everyday clothing. 

But we decided to go for it anyway, because who doesn't love a good challenge? And that's how we ended up making the Orca Blanket - because apparently, we just couldn't get enough of the whole "using unusual materials for clothing" thing. It was like a game of "what's next, a sweater made from spiderwebs?" (Actually, don't steal that idea, we might use it.)

And let me tell you, making a blanket out of fishnets was no easy feat. We had to experiment with all sorts of techniques to get the material just right, and we had to make sure the final product was actually comfortable. It was like trying to knit with spaghetti - messy, but surprisingly satisfying.

But now, we have the Orca Blanket, and it's the perfect way to show your love for the ocean and stay cozy at the same time. And who knows, maybe next we'll make a scarf out of old bicycle tires. The possibilities are endless!

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